Developments in CROATIA 2014 Zagreb

Key figures:

  • Number of automotive employees: OEM 9320; IAM 2351
  • Production of motor vehicles: –
  • Car tax revenues (€ bn): –
  • Car fleet (in 1.000): –
  • Car density (per 1,000 population): 280
  • Number of damages per year: 168 231
  • Number of repairs via Direct Repair Program: 30%
  • Average hourly rate: 18 Eur
  • Average damage amount: 980 Eur
  • Average amount parts: 68%
  • Average amount bodywork: 12%
  • Average amount paintwork: 20%


Situation Motor insurances:

“Open market” in kasko;
„Open market” in main insurance policy;

Demage proces is stil negative for bodyshops

(calculation, hourly rate…);


Situation Car leasing:

Less leasing cars…

Other information:

New cars sale: 28 350 in 2013 (31 261 in 2012, 2008 – 88 000)

VOC Situation in Croatia is negativ and bodyshop more

and more buy conventional „basis lack”…


Goverment is confuzed and ineffective!

HUAS help them (new VOC regulation, explanation…)

Importers, Shops, Bodyshops have big problems because more and more them use NON VOC paints in daily work!

We need support from AIRC and CEPE in field

of consultancy, inspection, statistics…

O nama

Dobrovoljna, neovisna, neprofitna interesna udruga poslodavaca auto struke u Republici Hrvatskoj. HUAS je član europskog udruženja autostruke (A.I.R.C.) Association Internacionale Des Reparateurs En Carrosserie