Key figures:
- Number of automotive employees: OEM 9320; IAM 2351
- Production of motor vehicles: 6 (2,5 – 2012)
- Car tax revenues (€ bn): –
- Car fleet (in 1.000): –
- Car density (per 1,000 population): 280
- Number of damages per year: 181 350
- Number of repairs via Direct Repair Program: 30%
- Average hourly rate: 16 Eur
- Average damage amount: 1020 eur
- Average amount parts: 70%
- Average amount bodywork: 10%
- Average amount paintwork: 20%
Developments in CROATIA
Situation Motor insurances:
“Open market” in kasko;
Stil have “monopol” (calculation, hourly rate…);
Stil have “monopol” (calculation, hourly rate…);
Situation Car leasing:
Less leasing cars…
Other information:
New cars sale: 31 261 (24% less then in 2012)